Thursday, February 23, 2012

Who do you pick for GOP candidate?

Out of eight candidates颅, perry and Newt are the two that records prove they are opportunis颅t that will say and do anything to be elected.Pe颅rry will grease the palms of GOP to be picked .

They both have taken millions of illegal funds to benefit their personal lives(Brib颅es)

Bachman is just a nut that has no chance except with religious extremes.

Paul and Huntsman speaks the truth and stay consistenc颅e.So that means GOP will never pick them to run

Pizza Guy will never be picked to run.

That just leaves Mitt%26gt;%26gt; Crap we are screwedWho do you pick for GOP candidate?
ron paul is the only decent cnadidate
My top three are: Paul, Huntsman and Romney. I agree that they both speak the truth and stay consistence so they will not be nominated. They are not part of the GOP Borg-have to be 100% conservative and think the US is always right.

My bottom three are: Bachmman and the two Rickys. Perry, being the low man on the totem pole

Independent TexanWho do you pick for GOP candidate?
Herman Cain could make a good underdog in this race. If he continues to fly under the radar but actually make sense and leave a good impression with his statements, I think he may stand a chance.

As opposed to the Romney-type, I mean. Ones who never stop babbling and are unacquainted with the 'sometimes-less-is-more' tactic.
news bulletin, we're already screwed or haven't you been paying attention for the last almost 3 yrs.? OMG (obama must go). think about the amount of money any candidate must raise to get elected and you think any of them aren't in someone's pocket? the system screws us.Who do you pick for GOP candidate?
People need to quit triangulating and start voting for people who best share their beliefs. We all know that Romney is not a conservative no matter what his current rhetoric, but the news media tells us he's electable so we support him. That's ridiculous. I still like Herman Caine regardless of his "chances". .. .
Ill say you're screwed if either one of them gets its. Paul is the honest one but i don't agree with all his policies.But i like the guy for some reason. Its his son that i don't like.
Michele Bachmann
Ron Paul.
Rick Santorum
I am registered as an Independent, I don't get to vote in the primaries.
Ron Paul.
Sarah or Paul
Ron Paul 2012
ina perfect world RON PAUL

in this world : Slick Rick Perry ...
shaft....i want shaft to get it.....

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