Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ADHD and cleanliness, fighting a losing battle?

I've tried everything that I can think of but my son (8) continues to make extreme messes in his bedroom such as taking pizza boxes, sandwiches, ice cream, soda and pretty much any type of food.

I can handle some of the clutter and the torn %26amp; crumpled paper, but the food is really disgusting and I want him to learn good cleaning habits. I've tried everything that I can think, and I've tried to be as consistent as possible.

I have rewarded him when cleaning his room and I have tried taking his toys and games (except for books and maybe lego's) when he disobeys.

He's really sad and upset when I become upset about it and he genuinely appears to 'want' to do better but I can't seem to train him to do it for some reason.

I'm at a loss on this one and if anyone could offer some tips, assistance or direct me to a website that specifically deals with this then I would be eternally grateful.

He is on meds, btw, and this only mildly mitigates the problem.ADHD and cleanliness, fighting a losing battle?
Don't give up! That was a fight we had (still do to some extent) with my daughter. She's now 10. We are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's a very small flashlight but at least it's a light.

Keep your rule in place about food at the table only. The impulse issues that come with ADHD are what you are dealing with. It's a hard one to tame but it can be done!

Something that we had to do was a daily cleaning. Yes daily. It is harder on you then him but if you don't want hoards of ants and bugs there isn't much of a choice. A quick 10-15 minutes before bed can become part of the nightly routine. That way you find the food messes and the room doesn't get a chance to become so overwhelming that it's too hard to clean.

I don't discipline my daughter for the food. It's a rule yes, but it's also part of her disability. Because I know that she felt badly for it, when we found it I would just gently admonish her and remind her that food was not allowed in her room. That alone usually had her in tears.

After two years of that, I rarely find food in there anymore. You have to remember that a lot of kids with ADHD are a year or two behind their peers in a lot of respects so you are in fact dealing with an emotions of a 6 year old rather then an 8 year old.

Consistency does work, honest.
ok from what ur telling me ADHD is wat he has....ok well mabe the meds might need to be changed or ajusted sum and sum trash is normal for a little bit if it begans to stack thats when u resort to punishing himADHD and cleanliness, fighting a losing battle?
Number one, you can alleviate the problem by not having those types of foods in the house. THey are junk food. He doesn't need them.

Number two: Make a rule that he is only allowed to eat at your kitchen table with the family at mealtimes. At 8 years old ADHD or not, he is completely capable of comprehending what is appropriate or not in regards to his eating habits.

Allow him to have snacks under supervision because he is not making wise choices and cannot follow the rules.

You need to be consistant and eliminate the problem with the food altogether by not making it available for him to take into his room. Nutritious meals can be fixed and eaten together.
Talk to his doctor. Meds can help a lot, but they have to be the right dose and right MEDS. Doc. might change his meds to suit his specific needs. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. I'm sorry you and your son are going through this. If your doc. cant help, go to another one. Things should be easier for him. The meds have to be adjusted. There is hope. Good Luck. Sounds like your a great mom.ADHD and cleanliness, fighting a losing battle?
Have you heard about

its a totally free site that gives advice about cleaning and has emails geared towards kids. an annomous "fairy" notices when things have been picked up and suddenly treats appear. candy, movie tickets

Be always speack to him as if your speaking to a baby no Goo-Goos but sweet, calm talk works best. Make his room a no food zone tell him that all food cannot go past his bedroom door. Firmly but sweetly scold him when he disobeys show that your very dissapointed and no that he can do better.Never raise your voice because ADHD children see that as a challenge. Spankings never ever work!!!! That is also seen as a challenge!!! Be kind but let him no whos boss, take action and let it be known that you are his father not his door mat. Children with ADHD are always looking for ways to take advantage of you.


I no what your going though. Its hard to raise a child with ADHD! My sister has it, and when we were growing up it was really hard on all of us. My son is 5 and I think he may have it to. He does the same thing yours does. Except he will take any type of food, trash anything and make ahuge mess. Its so darn frustrating when I see this. I dont no if the doctor told you this or not but there are certian foods kids with adhd cannot have. Food with red dye, yellow pop cycles, and sometimes dairy are just a few of them!
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