Thursday, February 16, 2012

I was dropped on my head. Anything I should be careful about?

I have Advanced P.E. during 2nd period. There's a little 10 minute break at the very beginning of class so people can finish getting dressed down. During this time period, me and my buddy Tim were messing around, wrestling (Not actually wrestling, but more like screwing around). Anyway, he's standing in front of me, has my left arm, I take my right and reach behind his head. Tim goes, "Aw, man, you shouldn't of done that."

Next thing I know, I'm sprawled on the ground, all the guys are surrounding me and Tim's kneeling on the ground, going, "Dude, you okay, you okay?" I had a giant throbbing in the back of my head and was a little out of it.

Witness accounts say that after that, Tim leaned in front of me, flipped me over his back and my full weight came crashing down on my head. Tim and the rest of the guys tried to pick me up, but I was limp and unresponsive, quote (from Tim), "...much like a guy trying to have sex with a fat girl." unquote. Apparently I was unconscious. Then they set me back down immediately and tried to bring me around. I've been dizzy and a little loopy ever since.

After that period, I went to lunch (I drove to Little Caesars and got a pizza, split it between my cousin and my brother), then went to third period. And I'm still feeling loopy.

After third period, somebody finally said, "You need to go get that checked out." and took me down to the office. The school nurse told me I may have a really minor concussion, or just have an extreme headache, but in the meantime, they had my mom come, pick me up (They said no driving, a buddy of mine drove my pickup home), and that I was to stay somewhat active, but I can't go to work (I work on a cattle farm, they said that might be too rough), I can't drive, and I was not supposed to go to sleep until later tonight. They also said not to drink a bunch of water and to take two Ibuprofen.

So, now I'm stuck at home, with nothing to do but read, watch movies, and check my Myspace. Anything else I should be cautious of? (And, if you could, please give me something to do: it's the first sunny day of the year, I'm trapped inside and it SUCKS.) Thanks!I was dropped on my head. Anything I should be careful about?
If you begin to feel dizzy again, or start to feel nauseous, you need to go to ER like right away to get checked if you have internal bleeding in your head. Honestly, school nurses aren't the same as a doctor, and becoming unconscious after you hit your head increases the likeliness of bleeding in your head by a lot. Make sure you stay up as late as you can tonight, and get someone to check on you every 2-3 hours while your sleeping and someone to wake you up in the morning. Even if you feel symptoms four or five days after today, go seek medical attention.

When you hit your head, the injured blood cells start to bleed, then you get different blood cells to clot the bleed,and since it's in your head, there's a layer of blood around the brain, separating it from the skull, the cells will attempt to stop all the bleeding around the head, and as the clot gets bigger, it actually squeezes your brain, and actually can be proven to kill people. Although the brain becoming that squeezed is uncommon, if you still have a headache, go see the doctor. If you experience the feel that your "ears are filled with water" or somehow "plugged" or even have an earache, go to the doctor. If that happens they will need to do an emergency operation and cut off the clot.

I don't mean to scare you. I'm just telling you what my mom and the doctor told me.I was dropped on my head. Anything I should be careful about?
Well if you've not been yet, you should see a doctor, not just a school nurse. Just to be on the safe side as it's better to be safe than sorry.

Otherwise.... just sit back %26amp; relax. If you've no other options then just enjoy the down time. Take a book, go sit outside and read in the sun, catch up on school work or invite a friend over (that won't tackle you to the ground) to just hang out.

Tsk Tsk, you crazy boys!! Hope you're feeling better :)I was dropped on my head. Anything I should be careful about?
In answer to your first question don't do it again it might hurt :-)

I think by tomorrow you will be feeling fine, until then why not try helpping others on hear to make there life a little bit easier?

some peolpe are not so lucky.

I wish you well an I am happy it was not to serious to put you in hospital.
Please go directly to emergency. Any head injury causing unconsciousness requires a much more thorough examination than a school nurse will give. The young lady whose mother is a nurse is exactly right, listen to her.

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