In our home my parents are real strict. Church on sunday no cussing no r movies. guarded internet access. You get the idea, My dad is an assisstant preacher and the tecnology guy for the church and a juvenile probation officer for his main career. My mom is a nurse. They keep me pretty sheltered. Well i got a friend from school they let me stay with they know his mom and are ok with letting me stay there. Thats usually where he lives. Well my parents were at work and i called them and asked if i could stay night with my friend. They say yeah well they didnt know he was staying at his dads( his parents are divorced) his dad and step-mom are drug addict and a drunk with the party lifestyle. His step-mom and my friend came over to get me. That night his step-mom and dad are getting drunk and smoking weed. Everyword outta there mouth is F--- that and F--- this. That night his step-mom was so drunk and high she could barely walk, well she gonna get in shower that night and gets in but didnt bring in any clothes guess to drunk to remember. She just opens door naked and walks through living room right in front of us naked and doesnt care she goes in laundry section. The clothes she wants to wear are wet she manages to put them in dryer and actually comes back in living room where we are and watches tv completely naked for 30 minutes. His dad passed out asleep and everyword outta her mouth is still F--- this and that. Finally she gets dressed and falls asleep.
They drop me off the next day and my mom was home from work. They didnt come in but she noticed it wasnt his mom. I told mom we satyed with his dad. My mom was mad because she didnt know his dad and thought we was at his mom's. She asked how his dad was and what we did i just told her we watched few movies and ordered pizza and they were nice people. i lied to my mom cause i didnt want her to know i was exposed to that behavior (drug-use, extreme cussing, nudity) do you think this was the right thing to do by lying to her? i know lying is wrong but in this case it keeps me outta a lot of trouble. im 14Is it ok to lie to my mom in this situation?
I think in this instance it is ok to lie as you are protecting yourself, you folks and your friend. You didn't know what was going to happen before you went.
In the future try not to go over there again because you will know what will happen and that would be a worse kind of deceit.
Also remember people who drink and take drugs can be unpredictable or violent so you need to avoid that situation so that you keep yourself safe.
Best wishes xx
Yaa....Its a wise decision to keep it away from your parents.This would bother them much.They care so much for you.Please avoid all such things again.Dnt let you come across such things again.Is it ok to lie to my mom in this situation?
Everybody lies. Can you really be faulted for wanting to protect your own hide?
H El l ya!!!!!!!Is it ok to lie to my mom in this situation?
you had no idea you were going to be put in that situation and that is not your fault
yes, LOL that must have been one wild night
sometimes you gota lie to your parents. your growing up you might find that although the truth may set you free, it may also get you in a heap of trouble so be careful who you lie to and if it's really really necessary. You can be part of the real world where alot of people lie and accept it or keep living the sheltered life and tell the truth all the time to please mom and dad
Well your in a tough situation, I would advise telling your parents because maybe you wouldn't get into as much trouble if they found out which I am sure they will because they will probably mention something about it to his mom and she will tell them about his dad, and its best to take responsibility for your actions you know that you shouldn't of stayed with him when he was with his dad. On the plus side though least the experience you had will hopefully educate you on why you shouldn't get involved in drugs etc...
First of all, your parents are so strict because they love you and don't want you getting hurt. Second of all, I don't think it was wrong for you to lie, you don't want to loose your friend. But, you should tell your parents about what really happened at your friend's house. Drugs are illegal, and are very damaging. You should not only tell your parents for your safety, but for your friends as well. Tell your mom, you might loose your friend. But, a real friend would do what's best for them. Your mom will forgive you, and be proud that you understand that this was wrong, and were willing to be honest. Good luck.
i dont think it was wrong of you to lie. you had no idea you were going to be put in that situation and that is not your fault. you should not have to deal with getting in trouble for that
Yes you did the right thing. My parents are the same church every sunday the usual. I lie to them about staying at my boyfriends because i know they'd kill me if they knew. Some times its best to lie in some situations and parents don't have to know every single little detail of what you do with your life.
You already know the answer to your question. But I will give you my thoughts, your parents let you stay with your friend at his moms house because they know her and know you are going to be safe at her home. What you should have done the minute his dad and step-mom started their inappropriate behavior was call your parents and had them come pick both of you up because anything could have happened. This is not just about lying it's also about trust which go hand in hand. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, you mom will find out about the situation at the dad's house all she has to do is talk to the mom or asked around and because she already busted you when they dropped you off I can almost guarantee she will do some research. And the trouble you think you getting out of is going to triple. So I know its scary but you need to come clean with your mom, the sooner the better, because once they lose their trust in you it's really hard to get it back. And if you come clean first before they get the information it will only help your cause. Yes at 14 you think parents are strict and this situation is a good example why parents have to be, even though you knew it was wrong you did it anyway. And if you don't tell your parents the whole truth it's just going to always be there, the lie. Good luck I hope you do the right thing.
you didn't do anything wrong or irresponsible. you couldn't help you were put in such a situation. i think you're mum would've been proud of the way you handled it without losing your friend. don't tell her because it is unnecessary to get into trouble when you did the right thing
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