Thursday, February 16, 2012

Obsession Compulsive Disorder is RUINING MY LIFE!!!!?

I am having a problem that I have had since I was a child.However, it has recently gotten more extreme than normal. A description or examples would be:

1. There are certain numbers (6, 36, 66, etc) that irritate me. Like I could be watching TV and my volume cant be on 6 or 36. Stuff like that.

2. I cant start my diet unless I eat a certain food. For example, I want to start my diet but everytime something holds me back. Ill say okay, after I have my favorite food (say Marcos pizza) then Ill start it.Then it will go to "well, I cant start it during the week so Ill start at the beginning of next week". Its like I search for a "perfect' way to begin.

As you can see, I have a 'pattern" problem and I feel like everything has to be perfect for me to feel fine. How can I stop these thoughts??!!! How can I start my diet!!! Im starting to want to just give up and say f*ck it, I will never be normal and I will never be able to just live my life. There are many things that OCD affects, I need help..Please help if you canObsession Compulsive Disorder is RUINING MY LIFE!!!!?
I have heard that Inositol which is a natural supplement can help with OCD but you will also have to mentally try to deal with it too.Obsession Compulsive Disorder is RUINING MY LIFE!!!!?
Problem #1 is OCD. Problem #2 is just normal stuff that EVERYBODY does when they are trying to lose weight. My husband I both do it all the time. Mine is Monical's pizza. Every time I want to start a diet I say, "Well, I will have one more final big meal", and then after that meal I say, well the diet is ruined for the day anyway, so I might as well keep eating until tomorrow...and so on and so on. It is just plain lack of willpower, not OCD.

The only way to overcome your aversion to numbers that you don't like, is to constantly surround yourself with these numbers. Right them down over and over again. Turn you TV volume to 6 every day. Learn to love the numbers. Say them to yourself all the time. You have to desensitize yourself to them so you no longer react when you see them or think of them. Yes, it will be hard to do at first. But MAKE yourself do it. There is no easy fix, I am sorry to say.

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