Monday, February 20, 2012

7 period questions? 10 points best answer.! Please HELP!?

1. Why is there so much blood?!

I get like 2 cups of blood an hour. it's extreme!! And I always wake up with bloody sheets. WHat can I do to stop this?

2. Why does my stomach hurt reallt bad?

Whenever my period comes, I can barely walk my stomach hurts SO BAD.

3. I have to go to the bathroom alot?

I usually only go to the bathroom twice a day, but when I'm on my period, i go like, 9 times! Why?

4. Why am I sensitive to light?

I just stay out of light. I never turn the lights on in my house, except a lamp in the corner. I currently have a blanket over my windoe to keep the light out.

5. Why am I so dizzy?

Really dizzy :(

6. Why do I eat so much?

I eat A LOT when I'm on my period. Like, yesterday, I ate like, 8 slices of pizza. Probably why I go to the bathroom so much...

7. Is my menstrual cycle weird?

I got my first period back in April. It lasted for a week.

I then got my second period 2 months later, and it lasted for 3 days.

I got my third period at the start of july.

I got the fourth right now (actually is atarted a few days ago.7 period questions? 10 points best answer.! Please HELP!?
You need to see a doctor. I don't think you could lose two cups of blood in an hour, but if you're soaking through tampons, there is a problem. If you are dizzy, that could be related to heavy blood loss. More likely, it sounds like you might be diabetic. It's normal to be hungry before or during your period, but many of the symptoms you describe sound like a diabetic's issues.
1. If you really lost 2 cups of blood an hour for three days you would die. However some girls (me included) just have really heavy periods. Birthcontrol might help, using a menstrual cup will help with leakage, especially at night.

2. Most women get cramps, all to a varying degree, when mine are particularly bad I alternate Tylonal and Advil every 4 hours. Exercise (even though it hurts at first) will make them less intense and shorter.

3. A lot is going on down there and especially with bad cramps it will be pressing on your bladder.

4. Hormones, and pain from cramps probably cause it, not really sure, sorry.

5. Women, especially with heavy flows, are losing blood. Of it is really bad see a doctor.

6. Cravings, I get them too.

7. It should regulate within 2 years of your first period this is totally normal.

Finally - if you are really worried talk to your doctor, go to a clinic, school nurse, anyone who can help. Good luck7 period questions? 10 points best answer.! Please HELP!?
1. Sexually active or not, talking to a doctor about birthcontrol will regulate and slow down flow.

2.Your belly hurts because your uterus is contracting.

3.You pee alot or in some cases have diareha bc all of your sexual organs are swollen. Moreover, pushing against your bladder.

4. Pms/hormones sometimes do that. Every womam is diffrent.

5. I get sick alot when im on my period. Birthcontrol pills help.

6. You crave things. Ice cream amd fuzzy socks are the best during that time.

7. Your period will always be irregular. Seeing your dpctor coild help.
1. every girl had problems with that! maybe get thicker pads and wear a tampon AND a pad to bed insted of just 1 or the other. drink lots of water and don't eat fatty foods (:

2. cramps ARE A PAIN. Exercise and stretching helps a lot! make sure to stretch out and your cramps will soon go away.

3. Because you have to change your tampon/pad? ...! hahah duhh.

4. I'm not sure why your sensitive to light..! but its fine i dont think anythings wrong with it if it becomes worse then maybe talk to someone about it

5.maybe take a pill to make that go away.

6. hahah its normal to eat alot when your on your period .! its normal ! and even if its a little wack every girl at first has a problem with controlling it. some times it comes earlier or lasts 3 days insted of 6. just let it do its job and keep living life (:

HOPE I HELPED (:7 period questions? 10 points best answer.! Please HELP!?

1. If you're losing that much blood, I would go to the doctors and get them to check it because I dint think that's right.

2. It's stomach cramps and the majority of women get them. If they're that bad and interfer with daily activities, I would once again go and see the doctor.

3. I've never heard of anyone going to the bathroom that much when on their period :s

4. Alot of people are desiring to light when on their period. Honestly, when you're not feeling great, darkness helps alot more than light!

5. You could be suffering from iron deficiency - thi could be due to your heavy periods.

6. Agh alot if women eat more than usual when they're on their period, that's nothing to worry about.

7. nope, they're not regular as you've just started - they'll regulate soon enough.

I would go to the doctor as it sounds like you could be suffering from iron deficiency. They'll be able to check everythings okay and prescribe you medication if they think it's best!

Don't worry about it either - doctors are used to this kind of stuff!

Take care :) x
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