Monday, February 20, 2012

Would you consider a BMI of 30 to be fat ??? guys i need some help here . !?

ok so im 5'9 and i weight 203 pounds i already lost a large amount of weight almost 75 pounds

i do exercise i have 2 dogs that are really energetic and need lots of exercise so i take them out twice a day for hour walk and i am losing weight but its like 2-3 pounds every 2 weeks

and im really sick of my parents talking sh_it about my weight

i have that central obesity it looks like i have a barrel on my stomahc but thats mostly lose skin from the amout of weight i lost previously

so i dont know if that will go bakc to its normal state or if i iwll have ot get it surgicaly removed

any ways i am considering getting the lap band or gastric by pass although form what i read i found that doctors generally wont do it on patients that have BMI lower that 35-40

my BMi is 30

i do feel great with the way i look

my whole problem with weight started 4 years ago i use to be athletic i run outdoor and indoor tracks,but only short distances but as i grew and probably started puberty i didnt actually care about it th e stress of starting school and the fact that i didnt know english was a big set back ofr me so i looked for comfort in food

but as im thinking about it right now maybe it would be too extreme maybe with some time something will change

i do watch what i eat

im usually not hungry in the morning so the first meal i have its at about 12 pm or 1 pm but i have i to drink a cup of tea in the morning and grab a large cup of coffee on my way to school

and the last meal i have its at about 9 or 10 pm right before i go with my dogs out at night

but i do eat pizza or chinese food like twice a week

im actually considering signing up at Bally some of my friends want to lose a bit of weight so maybe i will go with them and join it and see if i will see any results

i just didnt wanna go ot gym alone cause its quite boring and when your with some one it seems like its a whole lotta fun cause you will keep company ofr each other

im not looking into losing anothet 70 pounds + i dont wanna be stick skinny but a 10-15 pound weight loss would be amazin'Would you consider a BMI of 30 to be fat ??? guys i need some help here . !?
That is very impressive that you lost so much weight. Your parents should be complimenting you for what you've accomplished and encouraging you, and not giving you a hard time. I would try to ignore their criticism and just keep in mind what you've accomplished. If you were able to lose 75lb. and can lose 1-1.5 lb./week, you are on the right track and will eventually get to what is a comfortable and healthy weight for you.

You shouldn't even think about a lap band or gastric bypass. A BMI of 30 is at the borderline between overweight and obese (which is where I am at right now, but I'm near my peak weight). Perhaps before you lost 75 pounds you may have been a candidate, but you were better off that you avoided the surgery and were able to lose most of the excess weight on your own.

The overweight category for your height (BMI of 25) starts at 169. Based on the charts you might want to get to 169 or less, but you should probably adjust this up or down depending on what you feel is right for you.

For me, my ideal weight would be when I get to the point where I no longer have a big fat belly, and my stomach is flat. I'm about 5' 4.5" and weigh in the upper 170's. I suspect that my ideal weight is about 132-135, which is what I weighed at age 18 (I'm 47 now) before I started gaining excess weight, and this is on the higher end of the normal BMI range (about 22.3-22.8 with a normal range of 18.5-24.9). I might find that getting to that weight is unrealistic or too difficult to maintain, so once I resume working out I'll do my best to get down to whatever weight I'm comfortable with.

Your main problem is the excess skin, and you may need to have this surgically removed if you want to get rid of it. What makes things worse is that this is probably a very expensive procedure and is most likely not covered by insurance. I would suggest asking the doctor what he thinks the next time you go for a checkup, but maybe someone else here has more information on it.Would you consider a BMI of 30 to be fat ??? guys i need some help here . !?
Depends on your body fat percentage. Some guys can have a BMI of 30 with 25% body fat and others might only have 15% body fat.Would you consider a BMI of 30 to be fat ??? guys i need some help here . !?
I think that if you were already successful at losing such a large amount of weight like that you do not need lapband surgery. Just keep up the good work! As for your parents teasing you about your weight...I know that's hard. My step mom and I have very different body types and it has always been difficult for her to understand the fact that I lead a healthy lifestyle and still not be a size 0. I would suggest going to a fitness class! They have some really fun ones and they are a great way to make a commitment and to make workout friends. I don't really like to go to the gym alone either and classes really help me not get bored.
Generally any BMI over 25 is overweight... You seem pretty high. I think you should make an appointment with you doctor and talk with him.

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