Thursday, February 16, 2012

Do I have Coeliac Disease....?

Both of my parents have it. I am 5'6 and weight about 142lbs so I'm not underweight (probably a bit over). I am very pale suffer from extreme tiredness, and can sleep for ten or eleven hours and wake up feeling the same. Every time I eat anything (let's face it a teenagers diet consists mainly of pizza, pasta, bread, etc) I get horrible stomach cramping and feel sick for hours after and using the toilet gives no/very little relief. I'm 17 and tired of it. I know the only way to know for sure is to be tested but I'd like to know what my chances are before I go in, I don't want to look stupid haha :) ThankyouDo I have Coeliac Disease....?
Good gracious! Have you not been regularly tested? My son (with only one parent positive) gets tested every 3 years or whenever possible symptoms appear!
You have a VERY high chance of having celiac. You do NOT need to be underweight to be a celiac, so go ahead and ask your doctor for the screening panel to be done asap.
Also, you may be like my brother who is non-celiac gluten sensitive and has to be gf even though he hasn't triggered yet. Gluten sensitivity isn't an all or nothing thing, doctors are now understanding that it is more like a spectrum... since you obviously are a genetic, then I would highly suggest that you go gluten free and see how you feel. No one can FORCE you to eat gluten, you are making the choice to eat it, and you can just as easily make the choice not to. So, go ahead and try the gf diet 24/7 for a while and see how you feel. That is AFTER your blood work is done!
Good Luck!
Here is an article by a non-celiac gluten sensitve GASTROENTEROLOGIST, so you know that I am telling you the truth here:鈥?/a>Do I have Coeliac Disease....?
When both parents are affected, every child they have has a 75% chance to be affected. The extreme tiredness would be a lot to do with malabsorption of vitamin B12 and iron.Do I have Coeliac Disease....?
Based on your symptoms you probably do. And coeliac disease is a hereditary condition so if both your parents have it, you're more likely to develop it. For sure go to your doctor and ask to be tested. The first step is a simple blood test. Be sure to mention that BOTH your parents have it (and if any other relatives have it) and all your symptoms - including if you get anaemic or b12 deficient etc. Based on the results of the blood test your doctor may send you for a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Remember you can't go gluten free UNTIL you've been tested - else the tests won't work.

Good luck!

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