Monday, February 20, 2012

I have an infected impacted erupted wisdom tooth, should I double my antibiotics for two infected teeth?

For a few months I've been experiencing the infamous and unescapable growth of my third molars, aka your wisdom teeth. Last saturday night, I ate some spicy pepperoni pizza, and by midnight my jaw line was swollen and I couldn't close my mouth. My gums were very sensitive and the skin 'flap' over my erupted wisdom tooth was very inflamed.

I took a couple Aleve and some tylenol, washed my mouth with mouth wash and set about trying to get to sleep for work in the morning. By 5 am I was experiencing full Trismus and extreme sensitivity in my jaw, neck, and temple.

I went to emergency, and after sitting in a waiting room for what seemed an eternity, I was brought a prescription for penicillin and kicked out of the hospital. There are no dentists there, and apparently I should have known that.

I don't have dental insurance, and I don't have money for an extraction. But I found a dentist who is going to call me in next time a patient cancels a wisdom tooth extraction -- at the charge of the original patient.

I was told I needed to take the penicillin for 72 hours minimum before I could have dental surgery. And continue to take it until I have the problem tooth(s?) extracted. Now it's thursday and I'm in the beginning stages of the same infection on the opposite side, it's quite painful and obvious -- Even through the pain killers I'm on for the original infection.

So my question is, with two infections now.. should I double my dose of penicillin? I have 10 days worth, with another refill for 10 days. that would get me about another 8 days of antibiotics.

Sorry for the long story, and thank you in advance.I have an infected impacted erupted wisdom tooth, should I double my antibiotics for two infected teeth?
Doubling the antibiotics will not help. Just keep taking the prescribed amount. However, you DO NOT need to take them to have extractions. Medical doctors know little to nothing about the mouth. For instance, if they told you that you have an impacted, erupted wisdom tooth, that is wrong and impossible. If a tooth is impacted, it cannot be erupted. Also, they tend to prescribe antibiotics for everything.

You need to rinse with a warm salter water solution to help with the healing process.

Good LuckI have an infected impacted erupted wisdom tooth, should I double my antibiotics for two infected teeth?
You should call the dentist and see what he says. Most likely he will just increase the dose. Doubling the dose generally does more than soluble the effect.

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