Monday, February 20, 2012

Diet and excersize plan help please?


i want to lose weight. not a lot, i just want to tone up and generally become more fit and healthy.

i eat terribly now haha, takeaways pizza icecream, all that good stuff

i am ready to commit to a new diet and excersize shake up! the only problem i have is finding something effective, i need help on choosing what to eat, what times to eat, what kind of excerzises, etc

i'm not fat, i'm just 'normal'. i'm a uk size 8, but because i'm very short (4'11!) i look a tad chubby - so i just want to lose the excess weight and tone up - nothing too extreme

i know seeing results will take a while, i'm not looking to change quickly. i'd say my goal to looking good would be july next year, because that's when my school prom would be :)

also, i'd like to target weight loss in my waist. my waist does have definition compared to my hips but i'd like it to be more defined if that makes sense. i have a 28 inch waist and would like it to be about 23/24-ish, so any excerisizes you could recommend here would be great!

and i have 'back fat' haha - just a little though but anything you think i could do to shift it would be greatly appreciated !

so, my question basically is can you help me create a new diet and excerize plan? what kind of foods should i eat/buy and what should i cut out? what times should i eat? should i not eat after a certain time? what excersizes should i do? (that preferably don't involve weights)? anything else? as much detail as you can please :)

thanks so much!Diet and excersize plan help please?
I can suggest you to try 4 following diets: Porridge diet, Diet of the workaholic, Six-day diet, Sea diet. Read following article for more info about each of them.Diet and excersize plan help please?
2 eggs on toast every morning and go for an hour long walk. it's what i have been doing the last month and a half and i feel alot better for it.Diet and excersize plan help please?
exercise - whatever you enjoy and gets you a little out of breath.

eating times - whenever you like, there is no magic clock in your body

food - a suitable amount of calories a day, 40 % carbs, lots of veg, fruit, some dairy, some protein. Continue for life. Normally it is 2000 calories but as you are so small it may be a bit less for you. Depends how much exercise you do.

forget any particular measurements. You don't have back fat, your bra doesn't fit.

BTW your weight is fine and you don't look chubby. Sort yourself out

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