Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why is my blood sugar so low, if I'm not diabetic?

1. I am 5'5 and weigh 126lbs.

2. I am on no medications.

3. I am not diabetic. I had my son 3 months ago, and was tested at my 6week checkup.

4. My diet has always been the same. I actually follow the diabetic diet because my dad is diabetic and I had to get used to food at my parents house.

My blood glucose level was 51 after eating pizza, bread, and an apple. I have dizziness, headaches, extreme hunger; like all the hypoglycemia symptoms.

Is it low blood sugar... or anemia... or what? This makes no sense, I'm pretty darn healthy most the time!Why is my blood sugar so low, if I'm not diabetic?
low blood sugar is the opposite of diabetes so diabetes has nothing to do with your low.

If you only had one low then it's not a big issue. If it happens often then you need to consult an endocrinologist to address your hypoglycemia.Why is my blood sugar so low, if I'm not diabetic?
Noccie has provided a good answer although I would like to elaborate. There are 2 types of hypoglycemia. 1 Symptoms of hypoglycemia with a 'normal' glucose reading is actually a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and is treated with beta blockers. 2 Symptoms of hypoglycemia with a truly 'low' glucose reading. The 1st is quite common and the 2nd is rather uncommon. If you have the 2nd variety it most often is caused by an insulin secreting adrenal adenoma. This is easily corrected and not as bad as it sounds. No conclusion however should be drawn from a single glucose reading although your reading is certainly lower than expected after eating. The only fact that you do not offer is how long after eating you took the reading. Now let us consider what 'normal' means. A non-diabetic's fasting glucose is typically 70 to 100 mg/dL or 3.9 to 5.6 mmol/L. A non-diabetic's 2 hour post-prandial (after meal) glucose typically does not exceed 140 mg/dL or 7.8 mmol/L. Please note that I say 'typically' as there will be some variation from day to day. Before scheduling an appointment it might be of value tomorrow to take a fasting and a 2 hour post-prandial glucose reading and take these with you to your physician appointment. If I may be of further assistance please let me know. I wish you the very best of health and in all things may God bless.

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