Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 5 tonsillectomy:why ami in extreme pain today?

i am 16 years old and im on day 5 ive had the worse pain today out of the recovery days so far, why? and when will i feel more better . and when will ill be able to eat pizza, and burgers again please help thanks(:Day 5 tonsillectomy:why ami in extreme pain today?
I think you need to check with your dr.Day 5 tonsillectomy:why ami in extreme pain today?
I would say the Anastasia'{sp} wore off, I would say in a week you should be as good as new, eat ice cream, soft cereal, and soups, are great too. Feel betterDay 5 tonsillectomy:why ami in extreme pain today?
don't worry this is completely normal.

the reason it doesn't hurt too bad the first few days and then get really bad is cuz after a few days the scabs start to form and as they are forming they really hurt. it takes a few days for them to form and then fall off. once they fall off your throat will hurt much less and start to feel much better.

you will go to the dr for a 10 day post op check up and as long as your throat is healing well you will be able to start eating mostly normal again like having burgers and pizza.

you are not allowed to use a straw until 3 weeks post op though so don't even think about it.

you'll get through this.
yeah, that was one of the worst days for me. idk how it'll be for you, but about a week later i suddenly got better over a day. it still hurt to eat after that, but i finally felt like getting up and going out.

if you wanna eat pizza or burgers now, go for it. the only thing you really shouldn't eat is potato chips or spicy food. everything else you can eat, just take small bites and chew it up really good, take your time. it took me about 30 minutes to eat an order of french fries, but i ate them.

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