Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pizza hut delivery driver gets suspended for defending himself.?

What do you think?

On the night of March 27, 2008, Pizza Hut deliveryman James Spiers of Des Moines, Iowa was delivering pizzas--just as he had many times before over the past 10 years. He walked into an apartment complex thinking he was making another routine delivery, but found himself in a battle for his life: he had been set up by a “customer” who had lured him into the complex by pretending to order the pizza over the phone, but who had an armed accomplice waiting in ambush.

Spiers soon found himself trapped in a hallway with a gun to his head, his assailant demanding money. “Without a doubt,” he said, “my life was in extreme danger.”

The thug (who, not surprisingly, has a long list of prior arrests) thought he had the upper hand. Fortunately, Mr. Spiers has a valid concealed carry permit, and was carrying a pistol for personal protection at the time of the attack. He struggled with his attacker and managed to draw his own firearm. He shot the assailant (more below)Pizza hut delivery driver gets suspended for defending himself.?
Mr. Spiers should get his job back + damages, after being unfairly fired. And the employers who fired him should be fired, for everyone's safety.
its papa johns for me from now on; thats bsPizza hut delivery driver gets suspended for defending himself.?
While I empathize with his situation and applaud him for defending his own life by whatever means necessary Pizza Hut is within their legal rights to suspend him. The employee did violate company policy by carrying a concealed weapon when he knew he was not allowed to. With enough negative press attention though, hopefully Pizza Hut will reverse their suspension of this employee. Delivering any pizza or any kind of food is dangerous, because of criminals like the one who threatened his life. Employees should be permitted to carry a concealed weapon if they already have the permit before being hired. They have proven themselves responsible enough to be given a permit to legally carry a concealed weapon and are not likely to inflict harm on an innocent person with that weapon.
what a bunch of crap people should be able to protect them selves no matter who are what they are working for

id say all lawfull people should carry a gun if they wont to

and take out a crook if needed it'll teach that moron not to rob people as for pizza hut you need to be taken out a horse wiped

and need to read the bill of rightsPizza hut delivery driver gets suspended for defending himself.?
He can always get another job but not another life. I would not be surprised if he is flooded with job offers. As a retired Police Officer I have no problem with law abiding citizens carrying. Last year a Phoenix citizen saved a Police Officers life after he had been shot once. The assailant was going to shoot the Officer again after he was down and the legally armed citizen shot the man before he could kill the Officer. As for Mr. Spiers I'm glad he had his weapon. He is most likely still alive because of it.
Its a shame that in the US criminals are protected more than victims. I deliver pizza and I know how dangerous it can be. Pizza delivery drivers have to go into areas that most people would never go, and most of the time they have to go there in the middle of the night. I understand that Pizza Hut has this policy for insurance reasons, but if the guy had the proper permits why not let him carry. The guy obviously felt he needed to carry a gun, and he was right. More power to him.

People don't realize how dangerous it is to deliver pizza. Pizza delivery drivers are the 3rd most likely to be murdered on the job in the US.
I would sue the shitt out of them. Who the F@ck are they to infringe on his second amendment rights.
It is sad that many companies have a rule that prohibits employees from carrying deadly weapons...
I am usually against sueing.

But I hope he sues the hell out of them, and gets a nice fat check. Its was perfectly legal.
Well...he broke the companies rules, right? Should he have even worked there in the first place? If he felt like he needed to carry a gun for the job, and since that was against policy, maybe he shouldn't have been working there. I'm not saying Pizza Hut shouldn't review their rules and, if they do decide to change them when certain conditions are met (evidence of permit, required training, etc.). I mean, the last thing Pizza Hut needs is to be found liable because a delivery guy had an itchy finger and kills some one who wasn't a real threat. Obviously, this was a situation that was a real and true threat. Regardless of the job, it's probably good he had that piece. And it doesn't sound like he'll be fired. I think a small suspension is appropriate. He doesn't even know if he wants to work for them again, and if you read how he is feeling about it, he's not making it political, he's just trying to deal with the fact that he shot a guy 3 times.
that's insane.They fire someone for defending them self's?wtf?
yeah that is insane but when you working for a private company you should follow their policy and I'm 100% sure

Pizza Hut don't allow employees to carry a gun

even if they have a valid concealed carry permit

so the reason why he get fire

is because he violate the Pizza Hut Policy


Pizza Hut had done nothing wrong!!

PS why companies like Pizza Hut adopt that kind of policy?

well to avoid to get sue from potential victims

and save money for ability insurance cause if you allow

your employees to carry a gun you need a good insurance

in order to avoid to lose your business in case of lawsuit

just remember employees are expendable
That's ridiculous! He had every right to defend himself. And they want to penalize him for it? That's crummy.

Poor guy. He's better off not working for such a company anyway.
That is ridiculous! What a stupid company
It could happen only in America where right=wrong and good=bad. What a stupid country.
The law is the law and he agreed to it upon hire. So that is that.

However, I would carry one too. And I too would get fired...

What a horrible job in a bad neighborhood!
yes, if there is a policy of no weapons he should be fired.allowing employees to carry firearms creates a huge liability for the company and we would be paying 50$ for a pizza if the company was held liable for the actions of an employee.i am 100% for the right to bear arms i believe everyone should own a gun.if you take a job and agree to its policies you are responsible to live up to them.
The owner of Pizza Hut, has never been in a position where his life was threatened, obviously. It's sad that we can no longer protect ourselves, for fear of punishment...
He violated company policy, knowingly.

End of story.

What part of this don't you understand?

You want to carry a gun, don't work for Pizza Hut. They don't allow it.

What's so hard about this?

DUH---if you sign an employee contract, stick to it.

You can't carry a gun as a librarian either.

Pizza Hut is totally within their rights. Any "suit" would be thrown out in about 10 seconds.

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