i just went to the doctor today and i got checked for mono, but it was negative so i had some blodd work done but the results wont be in for a few days! please i just wanna know what you guys think before i find out!!
im always tired... no matter how much sleep i get
i feel too weak to even lift an arm!! its killing me to type this even :(
i keep getting headaches too... for the past week ive had this headache that makes me just want to keep my eyes closed forever!
i have the chills also (the other day i was at practice and we had to run a lap outside, my throat was burning, i couldnt even run the curve! it was just too much! and ive been able to run it before :P but anyways it was really hot out *cuz i live in florida* and i could feel the sun on my skin but i had goose bumps and i was like shaking!!!!!)
im such a slug... i never want to do anything and my parents are always yelling at me to get out of bed and clean and do homework but i just cant!!!
i just feel like a bag of bones xP idk how to explain it but i feel like my muscles and bones are so weak and my arms are just hanging there.. useless :(
some extra things:
i dont drink milk or eat fish cuz i find that stuff disgusting :P
this tiredness/weakness has been going on for a few months but just got worse last weak because i think im actually sick now... i dont have a fever but i have a stuffy nose and sore throat so its just a cold
i never eat breakfast in the morning because im just not hungry so early, because im at school by 6:50am every morning and it makes me sick to eat anything so early
for lunch everyday i normally have pizza because thats the only thing at my school that i like :(
so i know it must be a nutritional problem because the only vitamins and minerals i get a day come from my dinner, which is not always a healthy thing! and any snacks i have throughout the day are normally something unhealthy like something i can put in a bag to eat on the go
the only thing thats making me unhappy in life is feeling like crap all the time! so i dont think im depressed... and ive never even thought about suicide because i have a nice life and im really close with God %26lt;3
im actually really healthy other than whatever this is!
could this be a sign of juvenile diabetes? it doesnt really run in the family but one of my aunts (my dads sister) has it.. but she's kind of overweight and idk she has some other problems too)
im not overweight at all! if anything im underweight! but im really at a pretty normal weight... im tall too (5'5 and 103 lbs)
i dont have much fat at all and ive always had a fast metabolism too so i always felt that eating unhealthy all the time wouldnt effect me.. but now that im a bit older i do realize that it can be life threatening and i know whatever it is preobly isnt too serious but on the other hand it might be very serious!
so as you can tell im really nervous and scared to find out whats wrong with me! and i know i wrote alot but i just feel like getting this all out and hopefully someone (with knowledge of this area) will answer
in my answers im looking for:
what you think could be wrong with me..
what i should do about some of my problems
and for whatever you think is wrong with me.. is there a certain medicine im supposed to take? how is it treated? i cant swallow a pill not even advil so im nervous about that too cuz i dont want to come home one day with some kind of giant supplement im supposed to take everyday! not gonna happen!!!!!!!!!
im really sorry this is very long so im just gonna stop and relax and let you guys help me :)
thanks so much in advance %26lt;3Extreme fatigue and weakness?? (14 year old girl)?
All of your symptoms sound EXACTLY like mine. I don't eat breakfast, I'm tired allll the time, I can't move sometimes, I only eat the pizza at school, I find it hard to keep my eyes open, I can't swallow fish without wanting to vomit, and sometimes I get random sniffles, stomachaches or headaches. So whatever it is that you have, I have too. It could be not having enough physical activity (even though I walk 2 miles twice a week, run in gym and do curl ups) I usually just lay in bed besides that. In school, I'm not eager to do much, I just go there because I have no choice. We have very similar symptoms so we're on the same page. It can't be too serious, though, because if it was, we might be in the hospital or on medication. The most it could be is just a virus or the flu. (Not to be disgusting but) I actually threw up a couple weeks ago which could be creating a stomach virus. Don't be too scared, though, but if you feel like something is REALLY wrong, just go to the doctor. Hope this helped, :PExtreme fatigue and weakness?? (14 year old girl)?
get the a1c test and check for diabetes, avoid sugar.
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