Sunday, January 29, 2012

What could this be? Just extreme hunger? Or what?

Last night I had only a slice of pizza for dinner because I wasn't very hungry, but before I went to bed I felt pretty hungry. I ignored it thinking I'd just save it for today because I don't like sleeping after eating. I slept at 4am (I'm on winter break). At around 8:30am, maybe, I woke up feeling hungry, but I ignored it again and tried to go back to sleep. Woke up again at around 10am feeling the same way; ignored it again and went back to sleep. Finally at 11am I felt like I had an upset stomach so I got up and went to the bathroom. Felt hungry, but I didn't want to upset my stomach even more, AND I was feeling some chills (despite my t-shirt and sweatshirt), so I just went to lie down instead. Fell back asleep until about 12:30... finally got up at around 1:20. Felt chills, so I wore a hoodie over my two layers. As soon as I got up though, I felt my head throb and felt like I was about to black out so I immediately sat down to recover.What could this be? Just extreme hunger? Or what?
Absence from eating slows everything down, it makes you tired, lightheaded, cold, and weak. Next time you're hungry, eat something! It's not good to ignore it.What could this be? Just extreme hunger? Or what?
i agree.

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